4. Scientific
name: Pouteria sapota
Common name: Mamey Sapote
Started from seed in July 2015. Plant died after I heavily pruned its roots in fall 2016.
Common name: Mamey Sapote
Started from seed in July 2015. Plant died after I heavily pruned its roots in fall 2016.
6. Scientific name: Mangifera indica
Common name: Mango
Started from seed in July 2015. Plant died after I heavily pruned its roots in fall 2016.
Common name: Mango
Started from seed in July 2015. Plant died after I heavily pruned its roots in fall 2016.
11. Scientific name: Punica granatum
Common name: Pomegranate
Started from seed In August 2015. In 2017 it came out of dormancy in spring and over summer its leaves dried up and it died. It was in soil that was: 4parts lava rock/ 2parts fired clay/ 1 part bark/ 1 part wood charcoal. I believe the soil dried out to quickly and it couldn’t survive the hot weather at 80-90 Fahrenheit.
Common name: Pomegranate
Started from seed In August 2015. In 2017 it came out of dormancy in spring and over summer its leaves dried up and it died. It was in soil that was: 4parts lava rock/ 2parts fired clay/ 1 part bark/ 1 part wood charcoal. I believe the soil dried out to quickly and it couldn’t survive the hot weather at 80-90 Fahrenheit.
12. Scientific name: Codariocalyx motorius
Common name: Telegraph Plant, Dancing Grass
Started from seed In August 2015. It died in winter 2016-2017 after heavy pruning and placing in a shallow pot with mostly inorganic soil. It seems to need a lot of water probably better to grow in high moisture retaining organic soil.
Common name: Telegraph Plant, Dancing Grass
Started from seed In August 2015. It died in winter 2016-2017 after heavy pruning and placing in a shallow pot with mostly inorganic soil. It seems to need a lot of water probably better to grow in high moisture retaining organic soil.
23. Scientific name: Dorstenia Horwoodii
Common name: Dorstenia
Started from seeds in February 2016. They seem very frail in the beginning the longest survivor made it through to the end of winter Then the leaves fell off and a few weeks later it rotted away. During the summer they like lots of water but over winter I think the moisture in the soil caused it to rot when it dormant.
25. Scientific name: Eucalyptus deglupta
Common name: Rainbow eucalyptus
Started from seed in February 2016. Over winter 2016-2017 my plants got mealy bugs, that I believe spread from some of my brothers plants. My Eucalyptus deglupta attracted the mealy bugs and were either killed by them or possibly by the essential oils I used to try and kill the bugs, or the food grade hydrogen peroxide I used to flush the soil.
Common name: Dorstenia
Started from seeds in February 2016. They seem very frail in the beginning the longest survivor made it through to the end of winter Then the leaves fell off and a few weeks later it rotted away. During the summer they like lots of water but over winter I think the moisture in the soil caused it to rot when it dormant.
25. Scientific name: Eucalyptus deglupta
Common name: Rainbow eucalyptus
Started from seed in February 2016. Over winter 2016-2017 my plants got mealy bugs, that I believe spread from some of my brothers plants. My Eucalyptus deglupta attracted the mealy bugs and were either killed by them or possibly by the essential oils I used to try and kill the bugs, or the food grade hydrogen peroxide I used to flush the soil.
37. Scientific name: Crassula cv. Buddha’s Temple
Common name: Buddha’s TempleObtained plant in April 2016. It started to rot in fall of 2016, but I’m not really sure what caused it. It was in mostly lava rock so I don’t think it was over watering. I heard these could be difficult to grow.
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