Sunday, August 13, 2017

22. Operculicarya Decaryi - Jabily 2016

22. Scientific name: Operculicarya Decaryi
Common name: Jabily, Elephant Tree
Obtained Plant in January 2016. Plant was 5 years old according to seller. I am growing it as a root over rock Bonsai.  

35. Scientific name: Lapidaria Margaretae

Common name: Karoo rose
Obtained plant in March 2016. I had two of them in a pot with my Operculicarya Decaryi(plant 22.). Died over winter 2016-2017.

48. Scientific name: Echeveria nodulosa
Common name: Painted Echeveria
Obtained plant in September 2016. I put it in a pot with my  Operculicarya Decaryi(plant 22.), it grow leggy over winter2016-2017. I tried to grow a plant from a leaf cutting 2016-2017, the leaf grew roots but never developed a new plant.   

There was also some Sempervivum in the pot as well. 

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